
Yeast infections, itchy skin, red feet/licking paws constantly, ear infections, yeast build up in wrinkles and skin folds

What does it do?

3 Step Kit The kit helps combat yeast and supports the immune system, while avoiding an intense Herxheimer reaction (toxic yeast die-off) which can look like the yeast Is getting worse. This often leads to more drugs (ex. antibiotics, steroids and antifungals) there by continuing the merry go round of chronic skin problems and gut trauma.

How to feed it?

PRE-STEP Remove starches from the diet for 2 weeks by feeding a raw/starch free diet.

STEP 1 Give the liver tonic on its own for the first 3 days to prepare the liver and organs so they can manage the dead yeast.

STEP 2 Give the Yeasty Beast 1 to support the skin and immune system during the detox.

STEP 3 Give the Yeasty Beast II powder ideally two hours before or after meals so the enzymes can attack the yeast. Mix with goat milk, bone broth, small amount kefir or small amount of meat. Once the yeast die-off is complete, consider moving your dog to the leaky gut protocol to solve the root cause. It is also a good idea to start your dog on a quality probiotic such as Love Bugs or Fido’s Flora once you have completed the Yeasty Beast Protocol

Adored Beast

Fido’s Flora is a unique probiotic that should be given to dogs that have some health challenges such as allergies, cancer, organ or digestive disease. This product is the only probiotic that comes from dog-specific strains. Fido's Flora can help support a healthy digestive track and keep it free from toxins.If your dog is healthy, alternate it with Love Bugs to increase the diversity of bacteria you give your dog. Can use 3x's a year

What Does It Do?
This powerful combination adds vital minerals, helps feed the cells of the body and aids in the removal of toxic minerals and heavy metals. Scientists have identified and cultivated two canine-specific strains of probiotics (good bacteria) that are beneficial to the micro-biome in your dog’s gut. These 2strains are the first and only canine-specific probiotics in the world animal supplements.These bacteria were researched and specifically chosen to:

  • Strengthen your dog’s immune system or more importantly, modulate to immune system
  • Help keep your dog’s gastrointestinal track calm during times of stress
  • Produce metabolites that fight against bacteria like E. coli and salmonellaImprove availability of nutrients to the diet
  • Improve production of neurotransmitters in the brain
  • Researched and proven tostay viable in the acidity acid of a dog's gut
  • Not affected by antibiotics commonly prescribed to treat intestinal upset.

How to feed it?

Add to food once per day according to your dog’s weight dosage.

1-29 lbs 1/4tsp for 28 days

30-59 lbs 1/2tsp for 18.5 days

60-89 lbs 3/4tsp

90+ lbs 1 tsp14 days


Ingredients based on 1/2 tsp serving:

Larch Arabinogalactan (700mg)Humic and Fulvic acids (558mg)

Multi strain probiotic blend including species specific patented probiotics (2 billion CFU)


Jump For JOYnts can support common joint issues including ACL injuries, arthritis, degenerative, bone and muscle injuries.Jump For JOYnts offers 4-Way mobility support for healthy joints, ligaments, tendons and muscles.

What does it do?

  • Homeopathic Arnica commonly used for pain and inflammation, post-surgical procedures, trauma and can address old injuries
  • Homeopathic Ruta Grav is commonly used for sprains, injuries, strain, bruises bones, pulled ligaments, soreness in bones, tendons, joints and cartilage
  • Homeopathic Calendula commonly used as a healing agent and first aid for injuries
  • Homeopathic Officinale(comfrey) commonly used for injury to bones, cartilage, tendons and periosteumThis product supports:
  • ACL injuries
  • Arthritis
  • Degenerative diseases
  • Bone and muscle injury
  • Healthy joints
  • Healthy tendons
  • Healthy muscles


A proprietary blend of homeopathic Arnica, Ruta, Symphytum and Calendula.

60 ml liquid

Adored Beast

Dogs can develop a leaky gut often caused by poor diet, drugs and other toxins (steroids, flea and tick treatments, anti-biotics) and over vaccination. Dogs can also be born with leaky gut passed on by the mother.

Leaky Gut can be the core issue of imbalances such as:

  • Allergies
  • Skin conditions
  • Ear infections
  • Eye problems
  • Collapsing trachea
  • Digestive problems
  • Low energy
  • Behavioural issues
  • Joint pain
  • Bad breath
  • Autoimmune conditions
  • Liver, pancreas or gallbladderIn case of extreme allergies where you know there is a large yeast overgrowth, the Yeasty Beast Protocol should be used first to rid the digestive tract of systemic yeast.

So, what does it do?

Rather than suppressing the issue, leaky gut protocol helps targets the root cause of the above listed issues and to repair the foundation of the gut. The leaky gut protocol will help the mucosal junctions to heal and close.

Leaky Gut consists of five Adored Beast products:

Product 1 (pre-step): Anti-Vaccinosis Removes the associated vaccine side effects without removing any vaccine benefits.

Product 2: Liver Tonic -detox/organ support Helps regenerate healthy liver cells and boosts the organ’s ability to filtertoxins from the blood. Aids in proper function of histamine (associated with allergies, chronic inflammation), protein synthesis and biochemical production for digestion.

Product 3: Healthy Gut -digestive enzyme/ pre and probioticHelps rebalance and cultivate proper growing conditions for friendly digestive flora destroyed through antibiotics and toxins. Aids in the digestion of food supporting less reactivity in the blood stream until the gut heals and supports a healthy immune system.

Product 4: Gut Soothe -replenish/anti-inflammatory/pre and probioticA proprietary blend of herbs, nutraceuticals and pre & probiotics that soothe and replenish the lining of the bowel, fight yeast and combats unhealthy bacteria. With 30billion CFU wide-spectrum probiotic.

Product 5: Gut Seal -strengthener A homeopathic remedy that helps restore, strengthen and tighten the separated “leaky” junctions of the gastrointestinal lining. Consult labels for ingredient list, instructions and dosages.

How to use it?

5-Step Kit Complete the 2 day pre-step Anti-Vaccinosis before moving onto the other products.After completing the 2-day pre-step, begin products 2, 3, 4 and 5 at the same time. These products can be given in food together, as directed.Note: If your dog has a sensitive stomach it is recommended that Healthy Gut is given at 1/2 the recommended dose, slowly working up to a full dose over the course of 1-2 weeks.

Essential for dogs who are dogs who have been malnourished, kibble fed, chronically sick dogs or old dogs that require a dramatic boost in their nutrient absorption rate. Large stool volume is often an indication that they would benefit greatly from this product as they may not be currently absorbing their food properly. Majority of rescue dogs can fall into this category. Great for cats and hairballs
What does it do?
This product uses Love Bugs as the base for their pre and probiotic formula so has the same benefits In addition, Healthy Gut has the added digestive enzyme components that assist in proper digestion of vital nutrition. The majority of dogs are deficient in healthy enzymes and could benefit from using this product.
Larch Arabinogalactan (700mg per ½ tsp)Humic and Fulvic acids (558mg per ½ tsp)Multi strain probiotic blend including species specific patented probiotics (2 billion CFU per ½ tsp)

Daily Essential! Gut flora is challenged every day from daily toxins for dogs especially who have been on antibiotics or have come from/on commercial diets.

Assists the body in addressing:

  • Yeast infections
  • Allergies
  • Inflammatory Bowel Disease
  • Aids in preventing tooth decay

What does it do?

  • Releases “friendly” bacteria intended to counter-balance dangerous disease-causing bacteria
  • Acts as a fertilizer to grow a bountiful amount of friendly bacteria in the gut


Larch Arabinogalactan (700mg per ½ tsp) Humic and Fulvic acids (558mg per ½ tsp) Multi strain probiotic blend including species specific patented probiotics (2 billion CFU per ½ tsp)

Adored Beast

A great first aid product for dogs and cats who suffer from sensitive tummies. This product is targeted at reducing inflammation of smooth muscle; gastro-intestinal tract (diarrhea, vomiting, burping, farting, hairballs etc), lungs, nasal passages, bladder, etc. Also supportive of inflammation that presents as autoimmune disease, skin disease and more. Especially helpful for chronic inflammation in brachycephalic breeds (pugs, bulldogs, boxers, etc.)

Owners can include Gut Soothe in their pets’ food daily as a health supplement to maintain healthy gut flora. Assists the body in addressing:

  • Diarrhea
  • Vomiting
  • Lung issues
  • Inflammatory Bowel Disease
  • Acid reflux
  • Inflammation in the gastro-intestinal tract

What does it do?

This product uses Love Bugs as the base for their pre and probiotic formula so has the same benefits In addition, Gut Soothe has the added herbal and nutraceutical components that target inflammation and can soothe the mucosal lining. Soothes and replenishes the lining of the bowel. Helps combat unhealthy bacteria with friendly bacteria in the gut’s defence system


Aloe Herbal Aloe plant , Marshmallow Root Herbal, L-Glutamine Amino Acid, N-aceytlglucosamine, Larch Herbal Larch Arabinogalactan, 14 Strain Probiotic 

Adored Beast

Aids in the digestion of food and supports a healthy immune system. Helps rebalance and cultivate proper growing conditions for friendly digestive flora destroyed by antibiotics and toxins.


Many pet who suffers from allergies, yeast or any disease can likely have a toxic liver. Liver tonic is a must have for pets with kidney disease, mast cell tumours and pancreatitis. Liver Tonic can regulate the histamine response.

Adjunct therapy for dogs ,cats and horses for skin disease, liver tumors or liver health, Cushing’s disease, cancer, toxins, pancreatitis, kidney disease or supporting the side effects of drugs that need to be used like seizure medication.Also for pets with high histamine levels that can include short-faced breeds.

What does it do?

The liver compensates for all diseases, from allergies, cancer, faulty immune system, unhealthy gut... Liver tonic will help regenerate healthy liver cells and boosts the organ’s ability to filer toxins from the blood. Aids in proper function of histamine (associated with allergies, chronic inflammation), protein synthesis and biochemical production for digestion. This product will also support the entire digestive system, including the pancreas, gall bladder, kidneys and gut, assisting them to heal at the same time. Extremely helpful for cats to support healthy kidneys or with kidney disease.For healthy dogs, be sure to give liver tonic every spring and autumn. Combine with Love Bugs to fight viruses, spring and autumn allergies and support the body.

Taraxacum Officinalis (Dandelion Root)
  • Supports liver, gallbladder
  • Stimulates bile productionAnti-inflammatory properties
  • Strong, but safe, diuretic
  • Supports heart, bladder, digestive system

Chelidonium majus (Greater Celendine)

  • Detoxifying herb
  • Supports liver health
  • Helps with indigestion, jaundice and sluggish liver
  • Stimulates bile and pancreatic enzymes

Cardus Marianus (Milk Thistle)

  • Powerful herbal restorative
  • Protective effects on the liver
  • Helps with liver inflammation

Berberis Vulgaris (Barberry)

  • Powerful herbal restorative
  • Protective effects on the liver and kidney
  • Helps with liver inflammation